A-Z Challenge 2019 Theme
Lets start this year’s A-Z Challenge off right.
I am going to try something wildly different. It might be a lot of work, it might not be (it probably will be).
Early this year I bought a set of dice in a game shop called Rory’s Story Cubes. I’ve been wanting to try them out and haven’t had a chance yet. A-Z challenge seems like the best place to try them out! This plan is fool proof! Nothing can go wrong what-so-ever!

How am I going to approach this?
- Roll the dice.
- Determine what the pictures mean. (I’ve got some lee-way)
- Write them down for the day’s blog
- Use thesaurus.com to find something close to what I’ve decided to what the pictures mean for the letter of that day.
- Pick six of the new words. This gives me room as some of the words may not have decent letter specific words.
- Use those six words relating to the day’s letter in a short story of about 500 words.
Let’s see this in practice! (I’ll use Day ‘A’ because that’s what I’ve done so far)

I rolled:
- block L
- bridge
- electricity
- smile
- turtle
- record
- speech bubble
- parachute
- frown
Changed into:
- electricity -> aether
- bridge -> arch
- turtle -> arrau turtle
- record -> archive
- speech -> accent
- block -> arrest
And then I write 500 words. Should be interesting.